

What are Periodontics?

Periodontics is the specialty of dentistry concerned with the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth, as well as the treatment of diseases and conditions that affect them. The supporting tissues are known as the periodontium, which includes the gingiva, alveolar bone, cementum, and the periodontal ligament.


Advanced gum disease can lead to tooth sensitivity, receding gum lines and exposing the roots. If your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold food and beverages seek dental care to treat or halt the progression of whatever’s negatively impacting your teeth.


Periodontitis can deepen pockets around your teeth, loosening them up. You may also notice shifting teeth. Loose teeth are also a warning sign of bone loss, so early treatment is paramount.


If your teeth are looking longer, it could be because your gums are receding. Gum recession is a symptom of advanced periodontal disease and can have severe side effects. Loss of gum tissue around the teeth can lead to exposed roots or result in tooth loss. 

Services include:

deep cleaning and scaling

root planing

When should you see an Periodontist?

Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing is a sign of early-stage gingivitis (gum disease). But if you start getting bleeding gums after brushing or (even worse) unexplained bleeding after eating, you may have more advanced periodontitis and should consult with a periodontist.

The bacteria that cause gingivitis also cause inflammation. If left untreated, inflamed gums can create deep pockets around your teeth. Deep periodontal pockets increase your risk of tooth loss, so swollen gums should not be ignored. 

You may not think of bad breath as a warning sign of disease. But if you have chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away with good oral hygiene, it could be a sign of periodontal infection.

Do you need help with your treatment?

We are happy to clarify any matter. Do not hesitate to contact us.
MON-FRI 08:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Periodontics at DentOutline


Depending on the severity of your periodontal issues, different approaches might be necessary to treat it. We will often recommend a dental deep cleaning and scaling, and root planning ( open/closed flap procedure), which clean your teeth under your gums to ensure that they can reattach to your teeth.


Our surgical treatments for periodontitis: pocket reduction (our periodontist folds back your gums and removes bacteria from the “pocket” that has formed around your tooth because your gums have receded; this can prevent further damage to gums and bone) , regeneration (after cleaning the pocket, the periodontist inserts material, such as bone grafts, membranes or proteins to stimulate tissue growth in it; this is intended to cause gum tissue to regenerate and create a tight seal around the teeth), soft tissue graft (tissue is taken from another location in the mouth and attached to your gums; this covers exposed roots, improving the appearance of your mouth and protecting against infection)


At DentOutline, we believe that dental care is about more than just healthy teeth and gums; it’s about a relationship built on trust, understanding and reassurance. And that is why our staff will make sure you are comfortable throughout every step of the procedure. Our Edinburgh clinic is outfitted to the latest technological standards, which will help you get the safest and most efficient treatment and a speedy recovery.

Dentistry like you’ve never seen before

We use state-of-the-art equipment, innovations and practices to offer our patients the most effective dental care, speeding up recovery and lowering post-intervention discomfort.